Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hotmail...account help please!!!?

When you have a hotmail account and someone found out your secret answer when you go into your forgot log in information and they change your password would they know who did it? It has happened to me and im just wondering if they can track the person down or if i just contact them and they reset the password.?
Hotmail...account help please!!!?
First of all, how do you know this happened for sure? Also, who would know that information? If you've shared it with anyone, then you've taken a security risk. Under the terms of agreement (I'm sure Hotmail has the same rule as Yahoo), you are responsible for the security of your email account. If you suspect anything at all, you must go into that account %26amp; make a password change, secret question %26amp; answer change, etc. Failing these things, you should contact Hotmail (since it's Hotmail you're writing about).

I'm sure Hotmail could track who was responsible. If you have an alternate email address, normally a notification would be sent to that alternate account advising you of the change of password, %26amp; ask if you made the change. They also suggest that if you weren't responsible for the change, to contact them. I don't know if the practise still exists, but a the bottom of that email notification was an ISP#...identifying who did the change. HOWEVER, Hotmail may be able to help you if you can contact them...but I highly doubt they would disclose who was responsible. The ISP# isn't a person's name, but merely an identifier as to who the Internet Service Provider is. It's also quite possible they may be able to reset your password.

Hope this has been helpful to you.
exotic names

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